• อีโค่ โอเรียนท์ เอ็นเนอยี่ (ไทยแลนด์)

  • ECO Orient Energy (Thailand)


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Octane Rating

A performance rating of gasoline in terms of antiknock qualities. The higher the octane number, the greater the antiknock quality; e.g. 94 octane gasoline is superior in antiknock qualities to a gasoline of 84 octane.

Offset Well

A well drilled on the next closest location to the original well.

Oil-Cut Mud

Term used to describe a mixture of oil and drilling mud.


The amount of crude oil estimated to exist in a reservoir underlying a pool or field area.

Oil String

The string of casing set on top of, or through the producing formation.

Open Flow

The maximum flow rate of a well with no restriction.

Open Hole

An uncased well bore.

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